Tulsa Central Class of 57

Tulsa Oklahoma Central High School class of 1957 website

2010 was a good year and a bad year.  Jerry is getting to be a better dancer...that is a good thing.  I love to dance!

Jerry loves to golf! 

In January 2010Jerry and I drove to Dallas to see kids/grandkids and went to breakfast at the Mecca Restaurant and visited with John Hampton, Butch Walraven, Denny Rayburn and Bill Ragan.  My son, Dennis, and g-son Will, were there too.  The Dallas bunch has breakfast there every Saturday morning.  A good time was had by all.


In May my grandson Alex graduated from Oklahoma State U with a degree in zoology.  His aim right now is to be a guitarist in a rock band...where did we go wrong?...ha ha


In June Tulsa Central Class of '57 had their annual mini reunion put together by Eddie Lanning, and I help as little as possible...another ha ha.  You who have not been there are missing a lot of good classmate catch ups.


In August Jerry and I drove to Las Vegas to watch my only brother, Jim,  play slow-pitch solfball in a tournament.  His team played in 106 degree weather...but they sweated and drove hard...and won...for an 8th win.  They get rings just like the major leaguers.  Then drove to Sedona AZ to visit with classmate Judy Milbourn Burd.  Her hubby, Bill, and Jerry played golf.  Well, let me put it this way...you don't go to Sedona just to visit.  Judy and I shopped till we dropped. 

Jerry and I drove to Dallas to visit with both sons and g-kids.  The nite before we left for home, one of my grandsons in Tulsa called and let me know that one of my step grandsons died of an overdose.  My heart is still broken.  I wish people would understand what drugs can do to a family.

Jerry and I put together a classmate dinner once in a while during the year at a diferent restaurant in the Tulsa area.  About once every two months.  They are always fun.


We spent New Years eve at our local Elks Lodge with good friends.  Several of the Elks members are Central grads.

Jerry works contract for a steel company as a consultant several weeks out of the year.  Me...I just dance when I can and am on the boards of 2 dance clubs.  We try to catch up with our kids and grandkids when we can.


Happy 2011 New Year to all...Janie and Jerry Tinsley





Views: 37

Comment by Janie Tate Tinsley on August 14, 2016 at 9:26am

Well, it's 2016...many things have happened.  We are planning the 60th reunion September 15 & 16 (2017).  We will stay at the Embassy Hotel as usual.  Plans are being made as I type this note.  You will hear from me soon about the details.

Janie Tate Tinsley



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